What's New Summary

Lean Thinking Executive Journey to Japan
(October 27 to 28, 2016)

Presentation at WATAMI
Presentation at WATAMI

Factory floor at KIKUYA
Factory floor at KIKUYA

The Japan Productivity Center carried out 2 days study mission for the delegates from Italia.
The delegates are 16 executives and managers from Italian manufacturing companies, MNC to SME. They have observed 4 factories in Kanto area, and visited KATZDENARCHITEC INC., WATAMI CO., LTD., KHK Kohara Gear Industry Co., Ltd., and KIKUYA CO., LTD. Though they are operating in different business field such as equipment manufacturer for house interior and exterior of house, central kitchen for Izakaya (casual restaurant) and other brands nation widely, manufacturer of extensive range of over 15,200 types of gears, and cleaning and closet service. However, all of them utilize and apply the concepts of Kaizen, 5S, and/or Industrial Engineering by their own way.