Productivity Statistics

Productivity Statistics

Japan Productivity Center has been publishing labor productivity statistics (tangible labor productivity index) of mining & manufacturing industry and major industrial sectors on monthly, quarterly or annual basis since 1958 to measure efficiency of different sectors.

< Note: Labor Productivity Statistics December 2024 Data Release >  (03.03.2025) update!

・The index of Labor productivity has been updated.(26.02.2025)

・The index of non-manufacturing "Gas" in "Labor productivity index of different products" and "Construction industry" has been updated.(03.03.2025) update!

Time-series Data

Please download Excel format time-series data from below links.

Mining & Manufacturing industry

<Facilities with 5 or more employees/Updated monthly/1990~>

  • Labor productivity index of different sectorsDownload (26.02.2025)
    • Index of labor input of different sectorsDownload (26.02.2025)
    • Index of output of different sectorsDownload (26.02.2025)
  • Labor productivity index of different productsDownload (26.02.2025)

<Facilities with 30 or more employees/Updated monthly/1980~>

  • Labor productivity index of different sectorsDownload(26.02.2025)

Non-manufacturing (Service industry, Construction)

<Facilities with 5 or more employees/Updated monthly/1990~>

  • Labor productivity index of different sectorsDownload(03.03.2025) update!
    • Index of labor input of different sectorsDownload(03.03.2025) update!
    • Index of output of different sectorsDownload(03.03.2025) update!
  • Labor productivity index of different productsDownload(03.03.2025) update!

Check here for explanation of labor productivity index.

Brief Summary

Productivity Statistics

・Labor productivity index of Manufacturing was 103.5 (2020=100). The growth rate was down -0.7% from the same month the year before. Labor productivity index of Service Industry (the entire service industries) was 105.4 (2020=100). The growth rate was up +0.7%.

・A look at labor productivity indices by industry (Mining and Manufacturing) shows that the labor productivity growth rate went up in the 9 of the 21 industries compared with the same month last year, for example, Business oriented machinery (+6.6%), Production machinery (+5.5%), Electrical parts & devices (+4.6%). Especially, labor productivity growth rate of Business oriented machinery went up for consecutive 4 months.

・A look at labor productivity indices by industry (non-manufacturing) shows that the labor productivity growth rate went up in the 8 of the 14 industries excluding Construction industry, for example, Transport & Postal Activities (+4.6%), Information & communications (+4.5%), Electricity, gas, heat supply and water (+1.6%). Especially, labor productivity growth rate of Learning support (+1.5%) went up for consecutive 5 months.

In quoting productivity statistics, please get our prior approval and mention the source as the "Productivity Statistics of Japan Productivity Center."