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For Productivity Dialogue among Top Business Leaders of Japan, the US, and Germany.
- Japan Productivity Center inaugurated "Management Forum for Productivity" as a core organization to promote global collaboration. -
(July 25, 2018)

MFP Chair Yuzaburo Mogi (Left) and Vice Chair Shigeo Ohyagi
MFP Chair Yuzaburo Mogi (Left) and Vice Chair Shigeo Ohyagi

MFP first meeting on July 25, 2018
MFP first meeting on July 25, 2018

The Japan Productivity Center (President: Kazutaka Maeda) inaugurated the "Management Forum for Productivity" (Chair: Yuzaburo Mogi, Chairman of Japan Productivity Center), a core organization to promote global collaboration, on July 1st, 2018, as one of the activity pillars of JPC's mid-term objectives for 2018-2020, to improve productivity in an era of population decline.

This is the first step in structuring the global collaboration framework, which consists of exchanges that begins with dialogue among top business leaders from Japan, the US, and Germany, as well as research activities, with the aim of solving productivity issues from a global perspective. To strengthen this framework, JPC and the Conference Board (President and CEO: Steve Odland) finalized a memorandum of understanding on the pursuit of productivity improvement through the collaboration described above.

The "Management Forum for Productivity" committee consisted of thirteen members from business, labor union, and academic entities in Japan, whose objectives are to plan and promote the global collaboration activities. At the first meeting, which was held today, it was confirmed that the JPC and TCB will co-host the Japan-US Business Leaders Forum on Productivity from April 11 to 12 in New York, as well as other items related to global collaborative activities. The discussion raised by the members on productivity issues was conducted at the forum.

Amongst the discussions at "MFP", the chair, Mogi, commented enthusiastically, "Leading developed countries are suffering from productivity issues such as stagnant productivity growth rate. To overcome the situation, we aim to create a framework of dialogue, exchanges and collaborative research by top business leaders of Japan, US and Germany." Opinions such as "It is necessary to set Productivity as Key Performance Indicator of management as a starting point." and "Low awareness on significance of digital transformation.etc. is the major factor of the stagnant productivity." have been raised by other members, which were followed by an active exchange of opinions.

After this first meeting, "MFP" will aggregate the opinions from its members and prepare for Japan-US BLFP. Each year, the location for the venue of future BLFP will alternate between the US and Germany and aspects of the collaboration with Germany are currently undergoing discussion.

Press Release :