Our Mission

The First Mid-term Goals of Productivity Movement (FY2018–FY2020)

"To establish the foundation required for the new productivity movement as the population declines"

April 1, 2018   

Reinstating the resolution taken at the time of founding the Japan Productivity Center, we will solidify the trust and cooperation between labor and management to tackle the challenges facing productivity. We will further endeavor to rebuild Japan's economic system. In order to achieve these objectives, we have designated the next three years to be the intensive period during which we will establish the foundation required for the new productivity movement as the population declines. To resume the productivity movement, we will activate the following five pillars:

1. The establishment of a system that will function as the hub-platform of productivity.

  1. We will substantiate and reinforce the human network and the research system with regard to productivity and, utilizing the outcome, we will deploy policy recommendations as well as the activities required to put the adopted principles into action.
  2. We will institute a "Standing Committee on Productivity" for the purpose of studying the challenges facing productivity and of making policy recommendations. We will edit and publish the committee’s work in "the First White Paper on Productivity" for a convention held to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the founding of the center.
  3. We will establish a "Productivity Platform" to share knowledge, information, and experience related to the productivity challenges faced by each industry and business category and to promote productivity innovation in both micro and macro perspectives.

2. Deploy activities that will form consensus in order to innovate the socio-economic system of Japan.

  1. We will organize a national movement to form a new consensus and establish a "Committee for Economic Development and Distribution" to reinforce policy recommendations with regard to introducing comprehensive innovation in employment practices, human capital, regional revitalization, and the social security system.
  2. In an attempt to build a society where diverse human resources can fully demonstrate their abilities, we will accelerate the advancement of new ideas in work-style variations. We will undertake actions to form a national consensus on the new methods while promoting workforce diversity and aiding the development of sound relationships between labor and management.
  3. We will provide core business systems to help to increase the productivity of public sectors that focus on medical welfare and social insurance.

3. A re-building of Japan's human resource strategies and nurture of core human resources.

  1. We will institute an "Innovation Conference" to discover excellent venture entrepreneurs while we promote the development of their business management environment.
  2. We will help to foster leaders and core human resources who can be adapted to the era of globalization as well as can promote innovation management.
  3. Through the activities of "Japan Akademeia" , we will help to develop political leaders and the core talent in every field who will form the future of Japan. We will also support the development of college students who will lead the next generation.

4. Productivity innovation focused on the increase of value added and the creation of a positive circulation of growth and distribution.

  1. Through "the Service Productivity & Innovation for Growth (SPRING) ", we will take on activities that will help to improve the productivity of the service industry that has high potentials for growth.
  2. We will provide management consulting aimed at improving the productivity of medium- and small-sized service industries, and will practice on the development of human resources assigned to support regional revitalization and management of local communities.
  3. We will reexamine the entire philosophy of management from the perspectives of the customers and, promote quality-management activities to induce the creation of new values through self-innovation.

5. The institution of a global alliance system.

  1. We will initiate dialogues on productivity with corporate executives in Europe and in the U.S., and we will in stages, establish a collaboration to organize international conferences with Europe, the U.S., and Asian countries, information exchange, and research projects.
  2. Taking inspiration from "the Karuizawa Conference", which will soon be initiated with Japan Akademeia as its foundation, we will set up an intellectual think-tank and invite intellectuals from Europe, the U.S., and Japan to discuss and channel the global agenda.
  3. We will help to increase productivity of Asia and Africa by promoting human and intellectual exchanges, including the technical transfer of Japanese-style management techniques.

(Resolution reached at the regular Board of Directors meeting on March 22, 2018.)