Our Mission

FY2024 Productivity Movement Goals

We, the Japan Productivity Center, position fiscal year 2024, the inaugural year of the Third Medium-Term Goals ("Elevating Our Organization and Activities as a Public Interest Incorporated Foundation and Deepening Practical Capabilities of the Productivity Movement"), as a year of steady first steps towards the pivotal 70th anniversary of the productivity movement in 2025. Specifically, we have set the following key priorities to advance the movement.

1. Establish a System as a Productivity Hub Platform

  • To compile the 2nd "White Paper on Productivity," we will revitalize the "Standing Committee on Productivity". This committee will begin deliberations to publish the White Paper by the end of FY2025.
  • In anticipation of the revised Public Interest Corporation Law scheduled for enactment next fiscal year, we establish a permanent "Committee on the Future of Public Interest Activities", advised by the Chairman. This committee will discuss our policy for complying with legal revisions and promoting future public interest strategies.

2. Facilitate Consensus-Building for Japan's Socio-Economic System Reform

  • We support thematic subcommittee activities by bipartisan Diet members collaborating with the "ReIWA(Reinventing Infrastructure of Wisdom and Action)". By the end of the ordinary 2025 Diet session, we aim to compile reform recommendations and promote consensus-building activities.
  • To address the issue of population decline, we will set up a preparatory committee for a national campaign organization within this year. This initiative will start discussions on the approach and structure for national consensus-building and public awareness activities from FY2025 onwards.

3. Reconstruct Japan's Human Resource Strategies and Develop Core Talent

  • The 5th phase of the "Japan Akademeia", spanning over three years, commences. Building upon the experiences gained from Japan Akademeia and similar programs, we are drafting a plan for the establishment of the "Academy of Public Management Development" alongside the existing "Academy of Management Development".
  • Through activities like the "Karuizawa Top Management Seminar" held in July and the "Innovation Conference", we create an environment that fosters innovation and develop leaders adept at driving management innovation.

4. Advance Productivity Reforms for Increasing Added Value and Establish a "Virtuous Cycle of Growth and Distribution"

  • We begin solicitation activities for the 5th "Japan Service Awards" ceremony in FY2025, identifying innovative and superior services by collaborating with regional productivity centers and related organizations.
  • As a key part of our mission, we provide management consulting to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) focused on increasing added value and offer ICT solutions to boost productivity within the healthcare insurance sectors.

5. Establish a Framework for International Collaboration

  • In preparation for the 3rd "Business Leaders Forum on Productivity (BLFP)" in FY2025, we re-initiate the "Management Forum for Productivity," while strengthening collaboration with related organizations in the United States, Germany, and other countries.
  • In collaboration with productivity organizations and other related entities, we continue implementing international technical cooperation activities to enhance productivity in Asia, Africa, South America, and other regions.

Beginning April 1, 2024.
(Resolution adopted at the Regular Board of Directors Meeting on March 25, 2024)