Our Mission

The Third Medium-term Goals of Productivity Movement (FY2024–FY2026)

"Elevating Our Organization and Activities as a Public Interest Incorporated Foundation and Deepening Practical Capabilities of the Productivity Movement"

At this critical juncture for both Japan and the international arena, developing a solid national vision for a sustainable economic society, promoting national consensus building for macro and micro reforms and having the practical capability to implement these reforms are paramount.

The urgency to drive productivity reforms as a central theme for the nation's survival cannot be overstated. With the challenge of population decline, enhancing productivity stands as a direct route to revitalizing Japan's economic dynamism. Consequently, the Japan Productivity Center's mission takes on added significance.

In 2025, the second year of the third medium-term goals (FY2024-FY2026), we will be celebrating the 70th anniversary of the productivity movement. The government and Diet are currently working on legislative amendments to further reform the public interest foundation system. This presents us with an opportunity to reflect on what our organization should strive to achieve and innovate for the benefit of the public interest.

Based on the foregoing, we view the next three years as "Elevating Our Organization and Activities as a Public Interest Incorporated Foundation and Deepening Practical Capabilities of the Productivity Movement". We will consider the 70th anniversary as a significant milestone, and work on the following five pillars, grounded in the "Three Principles of the Productivity Movement" --(1) maintaining and expanding employment, (2) fostering labor-management cooperation and consultation, and (3) ensuring fair distribution of growth-- under the trust and collaboration between labor and management:

1. Boost Communication Power and Initiatives as a Hub Platform for Productivity

  1. In FY 2025, we will be hosting the 70th-anniversary convention of the productivity movement. We will act to raise public awareness and foster consensus on the productivity movement and various national issues in cooperation with the Regional Productivity Centers, National Confederation of Productivity of Labor Unions, and other relevant stakeholders.
  2. In anticipation of this anniversary, we will revitalize the "Standing Committee on Productivity" to define and share guidelines for future productivity reform by all sectors. The outcomes will be widely disseminated through the 2nd "White Paper on Productivity."
  3. With forthcoming reform to the public interest foundation system in view, we will establish a permanent "Committee on the Future of Public Interest Activities," advised by the Chairman. This committee is tasked with continuous improvement of the Foundation's operations and public interest endeavors from a medium- to long-term perspective.

2. Facilitate Consensus-Building for Japan's Socio-Economic System Reform

  1. In alliance with bipartisan Diet members collaborating with "ReIWA (Reinventing Infrastructure of Wisdom and Action)", we will champion dialogues and cultivate consensus on comprehensive reforms, with emphases on "government structure and political reform," "fiscal and social security reform," "regional and national land planning," "revitalization of science and technology society" and other issues.
  2. We will launch initiatives to stimulate public discourse and build consensus on the issue of population decline, which is one of the most significant challenges facing Japan and affects the productivity movement. Addressing this issue is critical to achieving a sustainable economic society.
  3. We will promote diversity and work-style reforms and make positive labor-management relations thrive, in collaboration with National Confederation of Productivity of Labor Unions, aiming to foster a society where diverse human resources can play an active role.

3. Reconstruct Japan's Human Resource Strategies and Develop Core Talent

  1. Commencing the 5th phase of the "Japan Akademeia" (spanning over three years from FY2024), we aim to reinforce our public-private network, develop core leaders, and enhance competency of advocacy across multiple sectors and future generations.
  2. We innovate the value offered by our human resource development programs, like the "Academy of Management Development," with a focus on global, digital, and green initiatives. Additionally, we will establish the "Academy of Public Management Development," a new platform for public sector talent cultivation.
  3. Through activities such as the "Karuizawa Top Management Seminar" and the "Innovation Conference", we will create an environment conducive to innovation and develop leaders adept at driving management innovation.

4. Advance Productivity Reforms for Increasing Added Value and Establish a "Virtuous Cycle of Growth and Distribution"

  1. Through the 5th "Japan Service Awards" in FY2025, we aim to discover and disseminate innovative and excellent services and contribute to the service sector's productivity with high growth potential.
  2. We provide management consulting activities to boost the added value of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), striving to support Japan's sustainable economic development. Additionally, we work to improve productivity in the local areas facing a declining population.
  3. Emphasizing digital transformation in the medical insurance field, we deploy ICT solutions to improve productivity, thereby supporting worker wellbeing and health and productivity management.

5. Establish a Framework for International Collaboration

  1. Through the "Management Forum for Productivity," we will foster dialogue, exchanges, and collaborative research with business leaders from Japan, the United States, Germany, and other countries. In conjunction with this effort, the 3rd "Business Leaders Forum on Productivity" (BLFP) will be held.
  2. We will strengthen collaboration with think tanks and intellectuals around the world based on the activities of the "Japan Akademeia". As part of this effort, the 2nd "Tokyo Conference" will be held to disseminate the global agenda.
  3. In cooperation with productivity organizations and other related entities, we commit to international technical cooperation to improve productivity in Asia, Africa, South America, and other regions, and by doing so contribute to enhancing Japan's presence in these areas.

Beginning April 1, 2024.
(Resolution adopted at the Regular Board of Directors Meeting on March 25, 2024)